より日本人学生には、夏休みを使った現地での、語学研修の特別コースという特典、またドイツ人留学生によるわが校でのドイツ語会話教室開催など、様々な心あたたまる交流が始まりました。それを機に、今年度は両大学の交流展“TRANSIT2002”を企画いたします。 |
exchange program between Nagoya College of Art and Design and
Bauhaus University.
The exchange program between Nagoya College of Art and Design
and Bauhaus University was launched in 2001. Students from Japan
stay in Germany from June for seven months. In addition to classes,
there is a special German language intensive course provided
during the summer. German students come to Japan and participate
in classes, or pursue an independent project. They organize
German language classes as a part of the agreement for students
at NZ.
The exchange program helps promote grass-roots level communication
and exchanges of idea. To commemorate the beginning of this
friendship and the exchange program of the two schools, we would
like to present “TRANSIT 2002,” the collaboration exhibition
in Nagoya. |
国際交流展 企画概要
バウハウス大学からは、リズ・バフバー教授(Prof.Llz Bachhuber)
バーバラ・ネーミッツ教授(Prof.Barbara Nemitz)ペーター・ベンツ氏(Peter Benz)の3名の教員と、そのゼミの学生達の作品が展示される予定です。また、わが名古屋造形芸術大学、名古屋造形芸術短期大学では、この企画に伴い、学内コンペティションを行い、約40人の学生が選出されました。それらの学生は、短期大学、四年生大学の隔たり、また、学部やコース別など関係なく、実行委員の教員の課外ゼミ形式で制作準備が行われ、考え方、作品の展開の仕方、テーマ性など、様々な個々の試みがされる仕組みです。昨年度は、ドイツ、デュッセルドルフ、クンストアカデミーとの交流展が実施され、今年度は、バウハウス大学と、これらの経験を重ねる事で、国際交流を通して次世代をになう学生に、新しい意識を誕生させてゆく、というのが大きな目的です。 |
TRANSIT 2002 International Collaboration Exhibition
There are many artists participating: From Bauhaus, Prof. Liz
Bachhuber, Prof. Barbara Nemitz, Peter Benz, and students from
their seminars; From Nagoya College of Art and Design and the
Junior College, there are 40 selected students. They were chosen
from a preliminary competition designed for TRANSIT 2002. They
will participate in extra curricular seminars with no constraints
of their course, major, or 2 year or 4 year college difference.
The seminars are led by the exhibition organizer/faculty and
focuses upon development of individual work, theme, and on other
various aspects. We had a collaboration exhibition with Kunst
Academy in Dusseldorf last year. It is our great pleasure to
have an exhibition with Bauhaus University this year. Our goal
is to provide real experience so that future artists may develop
new awareness. |
der Transitの意味はドイツ語の辞書には「通過」と記されてありますが、物の通過、旅客の通過、美術の通過へと意味が広がる名前という事でこの名前に決定しました。ダイレクトな名前でありなおかつ意味が広がる要素であります。一体私達はアートを通じて何をやろうとしているのか?作家それぞれの国際交流に対する意義を見いだし、大学間にとどまらずこのような「文化的刺激が」中部地域全体に良い影響を及ぼすことを願っています。 |
The word, TRANSIT, derived form a German word “der transit,”
became the name of the exhibition because of the flexible nature
of its meaning. In the German dictionary, it is indicated as
“ transit” or “passage.” We would like to interpret the word
as material's transit, travelers' transit, and art works' transit.
It is a rather direct name for an exhibition; however, it has
flexible elements in it. We'd like to propose a question: what
are we trying to do with our art? We hope to find the answers
in what we see in the exhibition and the presentation of the
artists' ideas on this international exchange.
To this extent, we hope “cultural stimulation” between our two
institutions will have influence in central Japan. |